The Tanzimat in Ottoman Cappadocia

Episode 339

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In this episode, we consider the story of the Tanzimat reforms from the perspective of rural Cappadocia, a region in central Anatolia now famous as a tourist destination. In the nineteenth century, Cappadocia was home not only to the Muslim subjects who made up the majority of Anatolia's population but to a large population of Orthodox Christians as well. How did these communities experience the Tanzimat period and how did their relationships to each other and to the state change between 1839 and the demise of the Ottoman Empire?

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Contributor Bios

Aylin de Tapia is a post-doctoral fellow at the Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne et comparative (IDEMEC) at Aix-Marseille University. Her research focuses on Muslim-Christian coexistence in late Ottoman Anatolia, especially social, economic, and religious interactions between Orthodox Christians and Muslims in rural areas.
Susanna Ferguson is a Ph.D. Candidate in Middle Eastern History at Columbia University. She is currently working on a dissertation entitled "Tracing Tarbiya: Women, Gender and Childrearing in Egypt and Lebanon, 1865-1939."
Seçil Yilmaz received her PhD degree in History from the Graduate Center, CUNY with her dissertation entitled "Love in the Time of Syphilis: Medicine and Sex in the Ottoman Empire, 1860-1922." She is currently a Mellon postdoctoral fellow at the Society for the Humanities and Near Eastern Studies at Cornell University.
Ella Fratantuono is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on migration and settlement policies in the late Ottoman Empire.

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Episode No. 339
Release Date: 3 December 2017
Recording Location: Okmeydanı, Istanbul
Audio editing by Susanna Ferguson
Music: Harmandali - Recep Efendi, Cemal Efendi
Images and bibliography courtesy of Aylin de Tapia


Select Bibliography

Anastassiadou, Méropi. "Greek Orthodox Immigrants and Modes of Integration within the Urban Society of Istanbul (1850-1923)." Mediterranean Historical Review 24, no. 2 (2009): 151-67.

Balta, Evangelia, and Matthias Kappler. Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika. Books, Turcologica ed.  Vol. 83, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010.

Balta, Evangelia, Cultural Encounters in the Turkish-Speaking Communities of the Late Ottoman Empire, Istanbul: Isis, 2014.

Balta, Evangelia. Sinasos. Mübadeleden Önce Bir Kapadokya Kasabası. Istanbul: Bir Zamanlar, 2009.

Benlisoy, Stefo and Foti Benlisoy, Türk Milliyetçiliğinde Katedilmemiş Bir Yol: 'Hıristiyan Türkler' ve Papa Eftim, Istanbul: Istos, 2016.

Doumanis, Nicholas. Before the Nation. Muslim-Christian Coexistence and Its Destruction in Late Ottoman Anatolia. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013.

Konortas, Paraskevas. "From Ta'ife to Millet: Ottoman Terms for the Ottoman Greek Orthodox Community." In Ottoman Greeks in the Age of Nationalism: Politics, Economy and Society in the Nineteenth Century, edited by D. Gondicas and C. Issawi, 169-79. Princeton: Darwin Press, 1999.

Papailias, Penelope Cecilia. Genres of Recollection: History, Testimony and Archive in Contemporary Greece. New York: Palgrave, 2001.

Strauss, Johann. "Diglossie dans le domaine ottoman. Evolution et péripéties d'une situation linguistique." In Oral et écrit dans le monde turco-ottoman, edited by N. Vatin, 221-51: Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 1995.

Tapia (de), Aude Aylin. "La Cappadoce chrétienne ottomane: un patrimoine (volontairement) oublié?". EJTS 20 (2015).

Tapia (de), Aude Aylin. "Orthodox Christians and Muslims of Cappadocia: Intercommunal Relations in an Ottoman Rural Context (1839-1923)." EHESS and Boğaziçi University: Unpublished PhD Thesis, 2016.

Vassiadis, G.A. The Syllogos Movement of Constantinople and Ottoman Greek Education 1861-1923. Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 2007.


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